So I have started my blog. I don't suppose anyone is really reading it yet. That will hopefully come with time. I just wanted to take a minute and explain why I am doing a blog. I really needed a space to express myself. That's probably the same reason most people have for blogging. I've avoided it because of the commitment. I hate reading someones blog and then realizing that it ended 2 years ago and they will probably never come back to it. I am going to try to keep up with this until I have nothing else to say. This is my forum. This is where I am free to express my views on all topics. If you wish you may skip over ones dealing with religion, politics, sports, or whatever you don't find interesting. I may offend some people and that's ok. Everyone should be offended at least once in their lives. But what you must understand is that is not the goal. I just wanted somewhere to vent my frustrations, set some goals, revel in my achievments, and maybe get some opinions of yours through comments and email. I don't expect to turn anyone to my way of thinking, I don't expect you to agree with me. Feel free not to. This is my open forum.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.
This is just to let you know that no one is reading your blog, let alone leaving comments.