So, I was thinking last night. I like to write. I've always liked to write. Not necessarily for school assignments or work projects but rather for fun. I enjoy updating my blog and I hope more people will be willing to read it. For now I'm just writing it for me.
Writing for me is like reading. When you are assigned a book to read in english class it's the worst book you've ever read. However, Since graduation I've gone back and read some of those books and quite enjoyed them. There was only one book I read in english class that I enjoyed at the time: The Great Gatsby. I still really like that book. But I've also read other books like The Good Earth which I hated at the time. I really liked it the second time around. Since high school I've read a lot more than I did then. But now it's books that I choose, books that are interesting to me.
Back to writing. I can't stand writing assignments. But I can keep up a blog and have fun with it. This isn't a chore. It's an outlet. I really enjoy sharing my thoughts and feelings with anyone who wants to read it. Even if no one wants to read it I get some benefit from putting down my thoughts. Plus I get to ask everyone,"Hey, have you seen my blog?"
So here's some thoughts: Screw congress for giving us a watered down healthcare bill that won't help me, Screw Toyota for putting out an inferior product and knowing about it while trying to cover it up, thanks to everyone who remembered my birthday and made it great, and thanks to everyone for reading my blog. Let everyone know to come check it out. I need comments so that I can have discussions about things that interest myself and anyone reading.
Again, thanks for reading.
I also like to write on my blog. I can't really say I consider it a complete outlet, but I do like updating it with things I'm excited about.
ReplyDeleteI need some medium to vent if I have to, share if I have to, and even brainstorm. That's why I appreciate comments so much. I want this to become a discussion. I want my blog to start dialogs. I don't care if it's inspirational I just want it to maybe make you think.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading your blogs, so write on!