So I'm just going to dive right in with this one today. I had a bad day yesterday. Cheryl had a bad day yesterday. We have this long running issue going on with our dentist about some disputed charges. It's been going on for 3 years now. I won't go into detail now because it would take all day. Needless to say it was sent to collections about 2 weeks ago. It has now been turned over to a law firm and is probably being filed for court as I write this. Because of the recent events we now owe $1000 more than the original bill. Does this sound right to you? The law firm probably picked up the debt from the collection agency for pennies on the dollar and they are still going to try to squeeze everything out of us. If they do we won't be able to pay our bills, buy food, get to work using gasoline. It's flat out rediculous.
Say what you want about our president and his 1 trillion dollar healthcare bill but all of this would have been avoided if we had a 1 payer system. If we lived in Canada this wouldn't be an issue. I am so pissed off at not just the Republicans for stalling and saying NO to everything just because it was proposed by a Democrat, but I'm also pissed at the weak Democrats. Apparently you can't get anything done when you have a majority. Get this stupid thing passed so that people like me who are poor and can't afford good quality issurance don't continue to get screwed by insurance companies. Why is this such a big issue? Please give me a reasonable argument why we can't insure our population. We spend more now on the people who are treated in emergency rooms without insurance than we would with universal healthcare. Run down the list of countries that have universal healthcare. How many of them are socialist? How many of them are going to hell in a handbasket because they don't have to worry about exhorbatant medical costs? It makes me sick.
So now we have to figure out how to pay these bastards or we get our lovely day in court. Who do you think will win?
Thanks for reading.
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